Ogden UT

Addiction Treatment centers Near Ogden UT

In Ogden, UT there are a multitude of treatment centers available to choose from. With 14 facilities in the city and 203 in the surrounding areas, it can be challenging to determine the ideal drug treatment facility for your specific needs. Our platform provides you with the valuable ability to search for facilities based on criteria that are important to you. We offer a wealth of resources, including reviews, detailed information on facility operations, and round-the-clock support. Our goal is to assist you in finding the perfect fit and providing you with quick answers and support throughout your journey.

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Treatment centers within 70 miles of Ogden, Utah

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Infinite Arches Recovery

136 25th St Ogden UT 84401

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Mental health clinic
Mental health service
Rehabilitation center
0 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

BAART Programs Ogden

2557 Lincoln Ave Ogden UT 84401

Addiction treatment center
0 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Weber Human Services

237 26th St Ogden UT 84401

Social services organization
Mental health service
0 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Clinical Consultants

2661 S Washington Blvd #102 Ogden UT 84401

Addiction treatment center
Domestic abuse treatment center
Drug testing service
Mental health clinic
0 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Alpha Counseling & Treatment

533 26th St #100 Ogden UT 84401

Social worker
0 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

GMS Counseling LLC

3505 Grant Ave Ogden UT 84405

Social worker
2 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Family Counseling Service of Northern Utah

3518 S Washington Blvd Ogden UT 84403

Mental health clinic
Family counselor
Mental health service
2 miles from the center of Ogden, UT


3535 Lincoln Ave Ogden UT 84401

Mental health service
2 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Weber Recovery Center

2740 Pennsylvania Ave Ogden UT 84401

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Rehabilitation center
2 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Aloha Behavioral Consultants

811 N Harrisville Rd Harrisville UT 84404

Social worker
Addiction treatment center
Marriage or relationship counselor
Mental health clinic
3 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Ogden Regional Medical Center

5475 S 500 E Ogden UT 84405

4 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Action Recovery Group

1708 E 5550 S #23 Ogden UT 84403

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
5 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Renaissance Ranch Ogden

5677 S 1475 E #4a South Ogden UT 84403

Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
Mental health service
5 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Brighton Recovery Center

6000 S 1075 E South Ogden UT 84405

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Family service center
Mental health service
Rehabilitation center
5 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Davis Behavioral Health

129 S Main St #240 Clearfield UT 84015

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
8 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Northern Utah Counseling Inc

49 E 200 S Clearfield UT 84015

After school program
Child psychologist
Mental health clinic
Mental health service
8 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

No Excuse For Abuse

370 S 500 E Suite Clearfield UT 84015

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Domestic abuse treatment center
Drug testing service
8 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Judicial Supervision Services Clearfield Office

370 S 500 E #130 Clearfield UT 84015

No rating to display
Alcoholism treatment program
Addiction treatment center
Drug testing service
Probation office
8 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

GMS Counseling LLC

370 S 500 E Clearfield UT 84015

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Domestic abuse treatment center
Family counselor
8 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Spirit Mountain Recovery

3181 E 3350 N Eden UT 84310

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Mental health clinic
Mental health service
Rehabilitation center
8 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Spirit Mountain Behavioral Health

3181 E 3350 N Eden UT 84310

Hospital department
Alcoholism treatment program
Mental health clinic
Mental health service
8 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Layton Comprehensive Treatment Center

523 Heritage Park Blvd Suite 4 Layton UT 84041

Addiction treatment center
10 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Elevations RTC

2650 W 2700 S Syracuse UT 84075

Mental health service
12 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Davis Behavioral Health Inc

934 S Main St Layton UT 84041

Mental health service
Marriage or relationship counselor
Mental health clinic
12 miles from the center of Ogden, UT

Turning Point Centers

521 N Sportsplex Dr W Kaysville UT 84037

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Mental health clinic
12 miles from the center of Ogden, UT
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2. How to Afford Treatment
3. Start the Admissions Process
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