Bismarck ND

Addiction Treatment centers Near Bismarck ND

In Bismarck, ND there are a multitude of treatment centers available to choose from. With 9 facilities in the city and 11 in the surrounding areas, it can be challenging to determine the ideal drug treatment facility for your specific needs. Our platform provides you with the valuable ability to search for facilities based on criteria that are important to you. We offer a wealth of resources, including reviews, detailed information on facility operations, and round-the-clock support. Our goal is to assist you in finding the perfect fit and providing you with quick answers and support throughout your journey.

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Treatment centers within 70 miles of Bismarck, North Dakota

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CHI St. Alexius Health Archway Mental Health Services

310 N 10th St Bismarck ND 58501

Mental health service
0 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

Heartview Foundation

101 E Broadway Ave Bismarck ND 58501

Addiction treatment center
0 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

Chambers & Blohm Psychological:

309 N Mandan St # 1 Bismarck ND 58501

Social worker
0 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

CHI St. Alexius Partial Hospitalization Program

315 N 11th St Bismarck ND 58501

Mental health service
0 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

Heartview Foundation

305 N 23rd St Bismarck ND 58501

Addiction treatment center
1 mile from the center of Bismarck, ND

Human Service Center

1237 W Divide Ave # 5 Bismarck ND 58501

Social services organization
2 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

1227 N 35th St Bismarck ND 58501

Youth social services organization
Child psychologist
Non-profit organization
2 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

A.D.A.P.T. Inc.

1720 Burnt Boat Rd #204 Bismarck ND 58503

Mental health service
2 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

United Tribes Technical College

3315 University Dr Bismarck ND 58504

Technical school
Non-profit organization
3 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

Centre Inc.

100 6th Ave SE Mandan ND 58554

Halfway house
5 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND

Prairie Recovery Center

7785 St Gertrude St Raleigh ND 58564

Addiction treatment center
45 miles from the center of Bismarck, ND
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