Duluth MN

Addiction Treatment centers Near Duluth MN

In Duluth, MN there are a multitude of treatment centers available to choose from. With 10 facilities in the city and 27 in the surrounding areas, it can be challenging to determine the ideal drug treatment facility for your specific needs. Our platform provides you with the valuable ability to search for facilities based on criteria that are important to you. We offer a wealth of resources, including reviews, detailed information on facility operations, and round-the-clock support. Our goal is to assist you in finding the perfect fit and providing you with quick answers and support throughout your journey.

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Treatment centers within 70 miles of Duluth, Minnesota

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Nystrom & Associates Ltd.

332 W Superior St #300 Duluth MN 55802

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Child psychologist
0 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Superior Treatment Center

324 W Superior St Duluth MN 55802

Addiction treatment center
0 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Genesis Recovery

Beal Building 5 N 3rd Ave W Duluth MN 55802

Mental health clinic
0 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Port Rehabilitation Center

23 Mesaba Ave Duluth MN 55806

Social services organization
0 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Center for American Indian Resources

221 W 4th St Duluth MN 55806

Public health department
0 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

St. Luke s Mental Health Clinic

220 North 6th Ave E Duluth MN 55805

Mental health clinic
Mental health service
1 mile from the center of Duluth, MN

Arrowhead Psychological Clinic

715 E Central Entrance Duluth MN 55811

Mental health clinic
Child psychologist
Family counselor
1 mile from the center of Duluth, MN

Center For Alcohol & Drug Treatment

1402 E Superior St Duluth MN 55805

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
2 miles from the center of Duluth, MN


4615 Grand Ave Suite 300 Duluth MN 55807

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
4 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Thunderbird Wren House

9302 Idaho St Duluth MN 55808

Addiction treatment center
Mental health service
9 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

HDC (Human Development Center)

40 11th St Cloquet MN 55720

Mental health clinic
Addiction treatment center
17 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Fond Du Lac Indian Human Services

927 Trettel Ln Cloquet MN 55720

Medical Center
19 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Mash-Ka-Wisen Treatment Center

1150 Mission Rd Sawyer MN 55780

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
26 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Agate Bay Professional Chemical Health Services

227 7th St Two Harbors MN 55616

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
26 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Range Mental Health Center

624 13th St S Virginia MN 55792

Mental health clinic
54 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Partners In Recovery

216 N 5th Ave W Virginia MN 55792

Addiction treatment center
Mental health service
55 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe CMD District II Housing Warehouse

20898 360th St McGregor MN 55760

No rating to display
Housing authority
58 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Lakeview Behavioral Health

2729 E Beltline Hibbing MN 55746

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
58 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Hibbing VA Clinic

990 W 41st St #88 Hibbing MN 55746

Medical clinic
Veterans hospital
58 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Range Mental Health Center

3203 3rd Ave W Hibbing MN 55746

Mental health service
59 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Partners Behavioral Healthcare

704 E Howard St ste c Hibbing MN 55746

Addiction treatment center
59 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

NorthLakes Community Clinic

300 Main St W Ashland WI 54806

Medical clinic
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Community health centre
Eye care center
59 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Hayward VA Clinic

10369 WI-27 Hayward WI 54843

Medical clinic
Veterans hospital
61 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

NorthLakes Community Clinic

15954 Riversedge Dr Suite 1 Hayward WI 54843

Medical clinic
Alcoholism treatment program
Dental clinic
Medical laboratory
61 miles from the center of Duluth, MN

Saint Croix Tribal Health Clinic

4404 WI-70 Webster WI 54893

Medical clinic
Medical Center
67 miles from the center of Duluth, MN
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