City of Corvallis OR

Addiction Treatment centers Near City of Corvallis OR

In City of Corvallis, OR there are a multitude of treatment centers available to choose from. With 0 facilities in the city and 68 in the surrounding areas, it can be challenging to determine the ideal drug treatment facility for your specific needs. Our platform provides you with the valuable ability to search for facilities based on criteria that are important to you. We offer a wealth of resources, including reviews, detailed information on facility operations, and round-the-clock support. Our goal is to assist you in finding the perfect fit and providing you with quick answers and support throughout your journey.

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Treatment centers within 70 miles of City of Corvallis, Oregon

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Milestones Family Recovery

306 SW 8th St Corvallis OR 97333

Addiction treatment center
1 mile from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Acme Counseling

310 NW 5th St #101 Corvallis OR 97330

Mental health clinic
Addiction treatment center
1 mile from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Linn Alcohol & Drug Treatment

104 SW 4th Ave Albany OR 97321

Alcoholism treatment program
County government office
10 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Serenity Lane Albany

1050 Price Rd SE Albany OR 97322

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
12 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Exodus Recovery Services

230 N 3rd St STE 105 Harrisburg OR 97446

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
21 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Polk County Behavioral Health

182 SW Academy St Dallas OR 97338

Mental health clinic
Addiction treatment center
Care services
Public health department
25 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Salem Comprehensive Treatment Center

1160 Liberty St SE Salem OR 97302

Addiction treatment center
27 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Serenity Lane Salem

960 Liberty St SE Salem OR 97302

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
28 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Amazing Treatment

525 Ferry St SE #203 Salem OR 97301

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
28 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Center for Addiction and Counseling Services

470 Lancaster Dr NE Salem OR 97301

Addiction treatment center
Care services
Mental health clinic
29 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Bridgeway Recovery Services

3325 Harold Dr NE Salem OR 97305

Medical Center
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Care services
31 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Serenity Lane Residential Treatment

1 Serenity Lane 91150 Coburg Industrial Way Coburg OR 97408

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
31 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

ReConnections Counseling

326 NE 2nd St Toledo OR 97391

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
32 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Oregon Recovery Behavioral Health

1184 Mcgee Ct NE Keizer OR 97303

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
34 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Willamette Family Treatment

1420 Green Acres Rd Eugene OR 97408

Wellness program
Pain control clinic
Pain management physician
34 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Willamette Family Women s Residential Program

687 Cheshire Ave Eugene OR 97402

Wellness program
36 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Emergence Addiction

78 Centennial Loop unit a Eugene OR 97401

Corporate office
Addiction treatment center
36 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Odyssey Community Counseling

2149 Centennial Plaza #4 Eugene OR 97401

Addiction treatment center
Mental health service
36 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Centro Latino Americano

944 W 5th Ave Eugene OR 97402

Non-profit organization
Addiction treatment center
Mental health service
Notary public
Social services organization
37 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Looking Glass

2655 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Eugene OR 97401

Youth organization
37 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Integrated Health Clinics

715 Lincoln St Eugene OR 97401

Addiction treatment center
Care services
37 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Veterans Affairs Eugene Downtown Clinic

211 E 7th Ave #116 Eugene OR 97401

Medical clinic
Mental health clinic
Mental health service
Veterans hospital
37 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR


1040 Oak St Eugene OR 97401

Addiction treatment center
37 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Emergence Addiction & Behavioral Therapies

374 Q St Springfield OR 97477

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
37 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR

Looking Glass Counseling Program

260 E 11th Ave Eugene OR 97401

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
Care services
37 miles from the center of City of Corvallis, OR
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2. How to Afford Treatment
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