Town of Edgewood NM

Addiction Treatment centers Near Town of Edgewood NM

In Town of Edgewood, NM there are a multitude of treatment centers available to choose from. With 0 facilities in the city and 44 in the surrounding areas, it can be challenging to determine the ideal drug treatment facility for your specific needs. Our platform provides you with the valuable ability to search for facilities based on criteria that are important to you. We offer a wealth of resources, including reviews, detailed information on facility operations, and round-the-clock support. Our goal is to assist you in finding the perfect fit and providing you with quick answers and support throughout your journey.

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Treatment centers within 70 miles of Town of Edgewood, New Mexico

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First Choice Community Healthcare

7 Municipal Way Edgewood NM 87015

Community health centre
Medical Center
4 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Veterans Integration Centers (VIC)

13032 Central Ave SE Albuquerque NM 87123

Veterans organization
17 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Susan s Legacy

11005 Spain Rd NE Ste 22 Albuquerque NM 87111

Mental health service
17 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Turning Point Recovery Center

9201 Montgomery Blvd NE ste v Albuquerque NM 87111

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Care services
Drug testing service
18 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Albuquerque Behavioral Health

8200 Mountain Rd NE Albuquerque NM 87110

Addiction treatment center
19 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Dragonfly Counseling Associates

1610 San Pedro Dr NE # A Albuquerque NM 87110

Family counselor
Mental health service
20 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Counseling World LLC

1600 San Pedro Dr NE Albuquerque NM 87110

Marriage or relationship counselor
20 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Age To Age Counseling

5916 Anaheim Ave NE Albuquerque NM 87113

Family counselor
21 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Bernalillo County Department of Behavioral Health Services

5901 Zuni Rd SE Albuquerque NM 87108

Medical Center
Addiction treatment center
Care services
Medical clinic
21 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Sage Neuroscience Center

7850 Jefferson St NE Suite 300 Albuquerque NM 87109

Medical clinic
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Family practice physician
21 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Turquoise Lodge Hospital

5400 Gibson Blvd SE Albuquerque NM 87108

21 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center

1501 San Pedro Dr SE Albuquerque NM 87108

Veterans hospital
21 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Tree Frog Adolescent and Family Counseling

148 Quincy St NE Albuquerque NM 87108

No rating to display
21 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Perfectly Imperfect LLC NM

146 Quincy St NE Albuquerque NM 87108

21 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Streetwise Inc.

3232 Candelaria Rd NE Albuquerque NM 87107

Mental health service
Non-profit organization
22 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

UNM Psychiatric Center

2600 Marble Ave Albuquerque NM 87106

Psychiatric hospital
23 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

UNM Addictions & Substance

2600 Yale Blvd SE Albuquerque NM 87106

Mental health service
24 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Duke City Recovery Toolbox

912 1st St NW Albuquerque NM 87102

Rehabilitation center
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
24 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

The Evolution Group

218 Broadway Blvd SE Albuquerque NM 87102

Addiction treatment center
Family counselor
24 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM


1201 3rd St NW Albuquerque NM 87102

Non-profit organization
24 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

New Season Treatment Center – Central New Mexico

630 Haines Ave NW Albuquerque NM 87102

Addiction treatment center
Care services
Mental health clinic
25 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

First Choice Community Healthcare

1231 Candelaria Rd NW Albuquerque NM 87107

Medical clinic
Mental health service
25 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

First Choice Community Healthcare

1401 William St SE Albuquerque NM 87102

Mental health service
25 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Aliviar Counseling Services Inc.

1611 Central Ave NW Albuquerque NM 87104

Alcoholism treatment program
Domestic abuse treatment center
25 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM

Guidance Foundation Inc.

4101 Barbara Loop SE Rio Rancho NM 87124

Mental health clinic
25 miles from the center of Town of Edgewood, NM
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