Millburn NJ

Addiction Treatment centers Near Millburn NJ

In Millburn, NJ there are a multitude of treatment centers available to choose from. With 0 facilities in the city and 632 in the surrounding areas, it can be challenging to determine the ideal drug treatment facility for your specific needs. Our platform provides you with the valuable ability to search for facilities based on criteria that are important to you. We offer a wealth of resources, including reviews, detailed information on facility operations, and round-the-clock support. Our goal is to assist you in finding the perfect fit and providing you with quick answers and support throughout your journey.

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Treatment centers within 70 miles of Millburn, New Jersey

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Suburban Health Clinic

43 Progress St Union NJ 07083

Addiction treatment center
2 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Overlook Medical Center Outpatient Behavioral Health

2 Walnut St Summit NJ 07901

3 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Summit Oaks Hospital

19 Prospect St Summit NJ 07902

Mental health clinic
Hospital department
3 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Family Healing Center

349 East Northfield Road Suite LL5 Livingston NJ 07039

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
3 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Human Empowerment Institute

49 Nesbit Terrace Irvington NJ 07111

Addiction treatment center
4 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Arise Counseling Services LLC

1492 Morris Ave Union NJ 07083

Family counselor
4 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

People Helping People in Need

50 Union Ave Suite 706 Irvington NJ 07111

Addiction treatment center
Care services
4 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

East Orange VA Medical Center

385 Tremont Ave East Orange NJ 07018

Medical Center
Hospital department
Veterans hospital
4 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

The Appropriate Place Inc.

660 S 21st St Irvington NJ 07111

Addiction treatment center
Care services
Mental health clinic
4 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Family Connections

395 S Center St City of Orange NJ 07050

Non-profit organization
4 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Mount Carmel Guild Behavorial

108 Alden St Cranford NJ 07016

Medical clinic
5 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Community Psychiatric Institute

67 Sanford St East Orange NJ 07018

Mental health clinic
Addiction treatment center
Care services
5 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Airmid Counseling Services

137 Evergreen Pl East Orange NJ 07018

No rating to display
5 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

The Marilyn Group Inc.

85 S Harrison St Suite 201 East Orange NJ 07018

No rating to display
Social services organization
5 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Patrick Oledimmah

540 North Ave STE 3 Union NJ 070837149

No rating to display
Nurse practitioner
5 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

New Essecare of NJ

20 Main St City of Orange NJ 07050

Addiction treatment center
Mental health service
5 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Family Service Bureau of Newark

274 S Orange Ave 2nd floor Newark NJ 07103

Mental health service
Family counselor
6 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

American Habitare Counseling

687 Frelinghuysen Ave #2 Newark NJ 07114

Addiction treatment center
6 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

GenPsych PC

5 Regent St building 5s suite 518 Livingston NJ 07039

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
6 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

The Lennard Clinic

461 Frelinghuysen Ave Newark NJ 07114

Addiction treatment center
Mental health service
Rehabilitation center
6 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Intervention Specialist

333 N Broad St Elizabeth NJ 07208

Addiction treatment center
6 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Summit Behavioral Health Florham Park

83 Hanover Rd Suite 160 Florham Park NJ 07932

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Rehabilitation center
6 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ


1126 Dickinson St Elizabeth NJ 07201

6 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

Integrity House

103 Lincoln Park Newark NJ 07102

Non-profit organization
Addiction treatment center
7 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ

The Counseling Center at Clark

60 Walnut Ave STE 200 Clark NJ 07066

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Family counselor
Mental health service
7 miles from the center of Millburn, NJ
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