New Ulm MN

Addiction Treatment centers Near New Ulm MN

In New Ulm, MN there are a multitude of treatment centers available to choose from. With 0 facilities in the city and 61 in the surrounding areas, it can be challenging to determine the ideal drug treatment facility for your specific needs. Our platform provides you with the valuable ability to search for facilities based on criteria that are important to you. We offer a wealth of resources, including reviews, detailed information on facility operations, and round-the-clock support. Our goal is to assist you in finding the perfect fit and providing you with quick answers and support throughout your journey.

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Treatment centers within 70 miles of New Ulm, Minnesota

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Wellcome Manor Family Services

114 Pleasant St W Garden City MN 56034

Addiction treatment center
23 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Mankato Chemical Health LLC

360 Pierce Ave #206 North Mankato MN 56003

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Care services
24 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

New Beginnings Minnesota at St. Peter

320 Sunrise Dr B St Peter MN 56082

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
24 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

House of Hope Mankato Downtown Out-Patient Program

12 Civic Center Plaza Suite 2116 Mankato MN 56001

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
25 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

WEcovery / Beyond Brink

314 Chestnut St Mankato MN 56001

Community center
Addiction treatment center
Home health care service
Sheltered housing
25 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

House of Hope Inc.

1429 3rd Ave Mankato MN 56001

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
25 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Christian Family Solutions

44 Good Counsel Dr Mankato MN 56001

Family counselor
25 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Fountain Centers

101 Martin Luther King Jr Dr Mankato MN 56001

Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
28 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Lower Sioux Health and Human Services

39568 Reservation Hwy 1 Morton MN 56270

No rating to display
Medical clinic
31 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Project Turnabout

334 S Jefferson St Redwood Falls MN 56283

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
36 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Nystrom & Associates Ltd.

114 Main St N Suite 201B Hutchinson MN 55350

Mental health clinic
Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Child psychologist
40 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Integrations Wellness & Recovery Center LLC

1135 MN-7 Hutchinson MN 55350

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
40 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Inspire Services LLC

32298 State Hwy 13 Montgomery MN 56069

Mental health clinic
45 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

House of Hope Inc.

1100 Indus St Fairmont MN 56031

Addiction treatment center
45 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Fountain Centers

828 N North Ave Fairmont MN 56031

Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
45 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Haven In Waconia

233 W 1st St Waconia MN 55387

Alcoholism treatment program
50 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

NorthStar Regional – Downtown Chaska

102 E 2nd St Chaska MN 55318

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
53 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

NorthStar Regional Women s Residential

320 N Walnut St Chaska MN 55318

No rating to display
Mental health service
54 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Shakopee VA Clinic

1555 Lusitano St Shakopee MN 55379

Medical clinic
Veterans hospital
55 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

1107 Hazeltine Blvd Suite 300 Chaska MN 55318

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Mental health clinic
Mental health service
Non-profit organization
56 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Wings – Wings Adolescent Treatment Services

1326 E Ripley St Litchfield MN 55355

Addiction treatment center
56 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Haven in Shakopee

235 1st Ave E Shakopee MN 55379

Alcoholism treatment program
Addiction treatment center
57 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Fountain Centers

2301 NW 4th St SW Faribault MN 55021

Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
57 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

NorthStar Regional – Chanhassen Suite 140

7945 Stone Creek Dr STE 140 Chanhassen MN 55317

Mental health clinic
Mental health service
58 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN

Pride Institute

14400 Martin Dr Eden Prairie MN 55344

Mental health clinic
62 miles from the center of New Ulm, MN
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