Borough of Naugatuck CT

Addiction Treatment centers Near Borough of Naugatuck CT

In Borough of Naugatuck, CT there are a multitude of treatment centers available to choose from. With 0 facilities in the city and 462 in the surrounding areas, it can be challenging to determine the ideal drug treatment facility for your specific needs. Our platform provides you with the valuable ability to search for facilities based on criteria that are important to you. We offer a wealth of resources, including reviews, detailed information on facility operations, and round-the-clock support. Our goal is to assist you in finding the perfect fit and providing you with quick answers and support throughout your journey.

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Treatment centers within 70 miles of Borough of Naugatuck, Connecticut

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StayWell Health Center

30 Church St Naugatuck CT 06770

Community health centre
Dental clinic
Family practice physician
0 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

StayWell Health Center

1302 S Main St Waterbury CT 06706

Medical clinic
Family practice physician
Social worker
4 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

CMHA – Community Mental Health Affiliates

255 Bank St Waterbury CT 06702

Mental health service
4 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Renato Network

969 W Main St #2a Waterbury CT 06708

Addiction treatment center
Pain management physician
Rehabilitation center
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Community Health Center Inc.

51 N Elm St Waterbury CT 06702

Medical clinic
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

StayWell Health Center

80 Phoenix Ave Waterbury CT 06702

Medical Center
Dental clinic
Mental health clinic
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Renaissance West

466 W Main St Waterbury CT 06702

Rehabilitation center
Addiction treatment center
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Ct Junior Republic Family

80 Prospect St Waterbury CT 06702

No rating to display
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Connecticut Junior Republic

80 Prospect St Waterbury CT 06702

Social services organization
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

CT Renaissance

70 Central Ave Waterbury CT 06702

Mental health service
Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Grandview Adult Behavioral Health

88 Grandview Ave Waterbury CT 06708

Mental health clinic
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Connecticut Counseling Centers Inc.

4 Midland Rd Waterbury CT 06705

Non-profit organization
Addiction treatment center
Mental health service
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT


34 Murray St Waterbury CT 06710

Addiction treatment center
5 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Reverend Edward M. Dempsey Drug Services

900 Watertown Ave Waterbury CT 06708

No rating to display
Addiction treatment center
6 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Connecticut Counseling Centers Inc.

50 Brookside Rd Waterbury CT 06708

Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
6 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

BHcare Valley Offices

435 E Main St Ansonia CT 06401

Mental health clinic
Addiction treatment center
10 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Cornell Scott

121 Wakelee Ave Ansonia CT 06401

Medical Center
Addiction treatment center
Medical clinic
10 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Outpatient Services (Griffin Hospital Department of Psychiatry)

248 Seymour Ave Derby CT 06418

Mental health clinic
Hospital department
Medical clinic
Mental health service
Social services organization
11 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Intensive Outpatient Programs (Griffin Hospital Department of Psychiatry)

241 Seymour Ave Derby CT 06418

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
Hospital department
Mental health clinic
Psychiatric hospital
11 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Adult Outpatient Psychiatric Services

2080 Whitney Ave #200 Hamden CT 06518

No rating to display
11 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Apt Foundation RSD

54 E Ramsdell St New Haven CT 06515

Addiction treatment center
11 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT


100 Elizabeth St Derby CT 06418

Addiction treatment center
Alcoholism treatment program
12 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Apt Foundation

352 State St North Haven CT 06473

12 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Angelus House

158 Flanders Rd Bethlehem CT 06751

No rating to display
Mental health service
12 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT

Newtown Youth & Family Services

15 Berkshire Rd Sandy Hook CT 06482

Mental health clinic
Mental health service
Non-profit organization
Youth social services organization
13 miles from the center of Borough of Naugatuck, CT
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